What is GDPR?

GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation) is a regulation that requires businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens within EU member states. The GDPR includes new guidelines concerning privacy rights of everyday users and the data they create, store and use online (See:

Does it affect me as a publisher?

YES, if you save data on your EU end users (site visitors) or generate 1st/3rd party cookies, you need to comply. Failing to comply expose you to penalties under the EU law (regardless if you are / aren’t an EU company/entity).

Who does GDPR apply to/effect?

GDPR applies to any company, organization or individual that offers services or goods to any person living within the European Union. That also includes European users web-surfing to a site

When does the GDPR come into effect?

The GDPR comes into effect on the 25th of May 2018.

If I (Publisher) am not living or based in the EU, does the GDPR apply to me?

If you have any contact, including emails, promotions or services with EU citizens, then the GDPR applies to you.

Does the GDPR apply to me if my business is small?

The GDPR applies to any company that collects, stores or processes any sort of private or consumer data.

What sort of data does the GDPR refer to?

The GDPR refers to all personal data. There is no clear definition as to what personal information constitutes, yet every company and business will need the same level of protection for info such as IP address as they do for names and email addresses.

What do I need to do to be ready for GDPR?

In order to comply with the GDPR, you’ll need to identify what data you currently own and by which means you acquired it (make sure you got consent). Making that data transparent, available and editale by your users is another needed layer. All this data will need to be properly secured to ensure it remains protected. You are also required to educate your employees about what the GDPR means and how it could affect your company or organization. This is a complicated process and you should start it a.s.a.p. A good starting point would be visiting the official site:

What happens if my site/app is not GDPR ready?

Any organization found to not be conforming to the new regulations after the 25th of May could face heavy fines.

Is Phoenix compliant with GDPR regulations?

Phoenix is adhering to GDPR regulations and requirements. You can read our updated Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

Who can I contact at Phoenix for more information regarding GDPR?

You can reach out to and we’ll get back to you shortly. Alternatively, approach you personal manager and he’ll connect you with relevant support