Advertising didn’t work, texts and creatives didn’t resonate with the target audience, and there are still no sales? Many marketers and business owners are familiar with this situation.
It would seem that on the market there are already many examples of successful strategy, cases of famous companies and competitors’ experience, which can be analyzed … But the problem is still relevant, and the mistakes are repeated again. So, what should you pay attention to in order to get the desired result?
In this article we will talk about common mistakes that prevent a successful advertising campaign.

Lack of strategy
Strategy is the first thing you should start with when promoting a product or service. Especially when it comes to complex products.
Quite often marketers skip this step or look for the perfect solution on the Internet. In practice, there is no ideal “recipe” for all businesses – the tools are not equally well suited for different products/services.
Therefore, all actions must be significantly different, and this requires an individual strategy. What it may consist of:
- analysis of the market, competitors and their offers;
- detailed study of your target audience, their motives and preferences;
- selection of communication channels with potential clients;
- preparation of other important elements of the strategy, such as the budget, KPI, competent performers, etc.
Evaluating the specifics of your business when developing your strategy will help you optimize your advertising spending, reduce the churn of loyal customers, and increase your purchases.
Weak or no strategy will make sales results unpredictable. And even temporary success is likely to have only a short-term effect.

Ignorance of the target audience
Understanding your customers and learning their interests is one of the main components of successful digital marketing. And it’s not just about consumers’ fears, desires or pains – it’s important to be able to speak their language.
Try to describe the portrait of your potential customer in as much detail as possible – what they dream about, what they want from life, how they solve their problems, etc. This will help you get a clearer picture of your customers and build a long-term relationship with them.
Guided by this plan, you will be able to quickly understand how to properly identify your target audience:
- Comparative analysis of the product. At this stage the competitive advantages of the product are determined. The key ones should be at least 2-3.
- Analysis of existing consumers. It involves conducting a survey among users to find out the characteristics of the product that are valuable to those people and distinguish it from other brands.
- A brief SWOT or identification of those product properties that are fundamental to effective sales.
- Market segmentation by key attributes. Description of all categories of potential buyers and drawing up portraits of the target audience.
- Plan of work with target groups. It includes a list of marketing activities aimed at attracting and retaining customers, improving the product, expanding the range, promotion and pricing.

Incorrect allocation of the budget
Allocation of the budget in digital marketing is no less important than the general scheme of the advertising campaign. Without clear financial planning, you can:
- Spend large sums without getting the desired result.
- Being in constant project stoppage due to lack of funds.
Both cases will not only make it difficult to promote the product, but also prevent you from focusing on other tasks.

Incorrectly selected advertising tools
Internet advertising offers a huge choice of tools – search engine optimization, contextual advertising, banner advertising, social networks, electronic mailings, etc. Of course, each of these tools has its own advantages and disadvantages.
They are determined not by the features of these tools as such, but by the characteristics of the business, the goals you want to achieve, the time and budget you have, and many other nuances. What works and is effective in one case may be a waste of money in another.
It’s important to choose the tool that will work most effectively to grow your business in the here and now, and allocate your core budget to it. This does not mean that you should forget about other tools altogether – at the right moment you will need to switch to something else.
For example, if you want to increase customer loyalty to your product, to inform them about a new product, or to increase sales, native advertising will do the job. Its advantage is that users don’t perceive it as something intrusive and they become more receptive to this content. You can take advantage of the Phoenix Native platform and try innovative advertising solutions to promote your business.
The peculiarity of this platform is that your ads will be seen only by interested users, who are likely to become your customers. The team of professionals will help you to plan an advertising campaign, distribute costs and get high indicators, such as CTR and conversions. Thanks to advanced technology and artificial intelligence, you are guaranteed to achieve the best results.

Ignorance of trends
In this era of rapid digital development, it is necessary to keep track of trends for the next season. To stay on top of trends, you need to prepare for changes in advance and implement tools in your promotion strategy in a timely manner.
But it is important to filter the information and know how to properly use the innovations of Internet marketing. To avoid unnecessary pursuit of trends, you should focus on the basic algorithm:
- Stick to your system: if customers come to you, analytics work, there are clear calculations – improve what you have.
- When you see a new trend in another field or even in your own, assess its profitability for yourself and usefulness for your customers and use it.
This doesn’t mean, of course, that you shouldn’t test anything new – without it, your business could easily fall behind the competition. Learn to react to trends in time and analyze which ones to use in your promotion strategy.

There is no perfect plan, because situational errors and problems can arise in the process. However, if you properly plan an advertising campaign with an eye on the future, you can avoid global mistakes.
Armed with the above tips, you will already understand the overall picture of successful online sales and will be able to avoid elementary, but no less catastrophic mistakes.